Bar owner apologises for homophobic ‘poofter’ sign

Customers reacted angrily on to a sign in the bar, which they claim is homophobic.
The owner of a Melbourne bar has apologised after displaying a sign saying “no poofter drinks”.
‘Handsome Steve’s House of Refreshment’ is currently receiving a host of angry comments on its Facebook page after a group of customers complained about the sign hanging in the bar on Saturday night.
Customer Stephen Wakefield and a large group of friends went to the bar to enjoy an evening out when they noticed the menu board, The Herald Sun reported.
“To see something like that, come on man, this isn’t 1995,” he said.
“You can have those jokes with your friends, but to be on a sign is a bit rude.”
After complaining to a member of staff and asking for the sign to be removed and subsequently refused, the altercation grew heated and Mr Wakefield and his friends stormed out of the bar.
The bar has been slammed on social media after an image of the offending sign began circulating, with users deeming it “disgusting,” “pathetic,” and “shameful.”
“No soy, no skinny, no tea. No poofter drinks,” the offending sign read.
“Homophobia is alive and well in this business. Time for management to grow up,” one user wrote on the bar’s Facebook page.
“Run by a bunch of homophobes stuck in the stone age. Take your money elsewhere,” another said.
However, owner Steve Miller claims the sign had been up for seven years and said most people – including gay customers – found it “hilarious”.
“If I’ve given offence to anybody, I unconditionally apologise. I unreservedly apologise,” Mr Miller told The Sun.
The offending sign has since been removed, although a number of customers have already said they plan to boycott the bar in future.
Last month, a bar in the US faced national backlash for throwing a gay couple out for kissing.
Pam Griffin – owner of Louie’s Sports Pub in North Carolina – claimed that she has received threats from across the country via social media after the incident made the news.
According to media reports, Andrew Deras and Dustin Baker, say that Griffin through them out for nothing more than a “2-second peck”.