Pastor: Parents should drown kids instead of letting them read Harry Potter

Step aside, Voldemort, Harry Potter has made a new enemy in this right-wing pastor.
Kevin Swanson, an influential preacher, has said that, because Dumbledore is gay, and Harry Potter’s “homosexual mentor”, America must repent for having read the books.
Swanson, speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, said it would be better for parents to drown their children, instead of letting them read Harry Potter, and watch How to Train Your Dragon.
He said: “Friends, we are on the very cusp of judgement as I see it. We need to call America to repent. Repentance from defying the almighty. Repentance of abortion, the hundreds of millions of dead bodies, I don’t know how many.
“America, repent of Harry Potter. Repent that Dumbledore emerged as a homosexual mentor for Harry Potter.”
“Children are raised to be stumbled by the Dumbledores and Hiccups on How To Train Your Dragon. My friends, America needs to repent.”
Going on, in his closing remarks at the conference, also attended by Republican Presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, he said a “millstone” should be hung around the necks of children by their parents, and they should be drowned.
“For tens of millions of parents it would be better that a millstone be hung around their neck and they be drowned at the bottom of the sea.”
Suggesting that “history may repeat itself”, Swanson suggested that the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah would come true.
Well then… Watch the spectacular rant below: