A gay guy asked a straight guy out at a wedding – and got a brilliant response

When this gay guy plucked up the courage to give his number to a man he met at a wedding, he didn’t know his sexual orientation.
Redditor Mattim0s posted photos after having asked out the guy at a wedding.
He says he plucked up the courage to walk over and give him his number, before leaving abruptly.
As it turns out, the guy had a girlfriend, but that didn’t stop him from sending Mattim0s a really cute message of encouragement – congratulating him on plucking up the courage to ask him out.
He writes: “I was at my cousins wedding reception and had just sat down from dancing. It was nearing the end of the night at this time so I was pretty secluded from everyone. A man walked up to me who I hadn’t seen before and nervously said “what’s your name?” I replied, “Chad, what’s yours?” He said “Shane, I just wanted to let you know that I have noticed you all night. I wanted to leave this with you before I left.”
“He handed me a piece of paper and quickly walked out. It was his number. Without knowing if I was straight or not he had built up the guts to put himself out there. I thought it was extremely brave and I know it’s something I wouldn’t be able to do. I’m sharing this to remind everyone to live their lives without regrets. Almost all of my regrets come from the things I didn’t do, not the things I did. I will be living my life more like this man and I suggest you all do as well. Good night.”
Below is a copy of the guy’s amazing text response.

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