This couple made an awesome lesbian version of ‘I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus’ (VIDEO)

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A real lesbian couple have created their own version of ā€˜I saw mommy kissing Santa Clausā€™.

The couple, Danielle LoPresti and Alicia Champion, both performers, say they didnā€™t see their family, including their young son, reflected in most media and entertainment.

So they went out and made their own!

Lesbian santa 2

Speaking to HuffPost, she said: ā€œAs a multi-racial, same-sex, foster-adoptive family, Alicia and I are always looking for examples of other families like ours to share with our son.ā€

ā€œAfter not finding a single holiday video of a family that resembled ours, we thought that since we have access to the resources, we would create something to fill that void.ā€

Continuing, she said: ā€œWe feel it is an important time to show others that family love comes in all different colours and formations.ā€

The couple are the founders of San Diegoā€™s IndieFest, and have worked with Jamie Foxx, and hoped to create one of the first lesbian versions of the song, which has been widely covered, including by RuPaulā€™s ā€˜I saw daddy kissing Santa Clausā€™.

Check it out in all its glory below: