The UK government actually responded to ‘ban Donald Trump’ petition

Donald Trump turns 73 next week. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty)
The UK government has finally issued its response to a petition calling for US Presidential wannabe Donald Trump to be barred from the country.
Mr Trump, who is currently leading the Republican field, has managed to spark fury during his campaign by targeting minority groups.
A petition to ban him from the UK received over half a million signatures – after Trump called for Muslims to be banned from the US and claimed police ‘fear for their lives’ in English cities.
The petition has passed the levels required to force a Parliamentary debate and a government response – with officials replying this week.
The response says: “The Government has a policy of not routinely commenting on individual immigration or exclusion cases.
“For good reasons the Government does not routinely comment on individual immigration and exclusion decisions.
“The Home Secretary may exclude a non-European Economic Area national from the UK if she considers their presence in the UK to be non-conducive to the public good.
“The Home Secretary has said that coming to the UK is a privilege and not a right and she will continue to use the powers available to prevent from entering the UK those who seek to harm our society and who do not share our basic values.
“Exclusion powers are very serious and are not used lightly. The Home Secretary will use these powers when justified and based on all available evidence.
“The Prime Minister has made clear that he completely disagrees with Donald Trump’s remarks. The Home Secretary has said that Donald Trump’s remarks in relation to Muslims are divisive, unhelpful and wrong.
“The Government recognises the strength of feeling against the remarks and will continue to speak out against comments which have the potential to divide our communities, regardless of who makes them.
“We reject any attempts to create division and marginalisation amongst those we endeavour to protect.”
Trump has reportedly promised not to veto new ‘religious freedom’ laws allowing anti-gay discrimination, in his bid to tie up the right-wing religious lobby vote.
He recently met with and received an endorsement from New York pastor James David Manning – an ardently homophobic preacher who insists Starbucks put semen in their lattes.
In his bid to shore up support, Mr Trump also attended an event honouring Kentucky clerk Kim Davis – held by a listed anti-LGBT group.