Amber Heard: Marrying Johnny Depp does not define my sexuality

Actress Amber Heard has spoken out again about her sexual orientation, saying hers is not defined by her marriage.
The actress, who stars in the Danish Girl, came out in 2010 as she dated photographer Tasya van Ree.
She later married Johnny Depp, and adopted his two children, but says marrying a man does not define her sexual orientation.
Speaking to the Independent, Heard said she feels a need to speak out in order to educate people.
She said: “The one way we will achieve change in a positive direction towards accepting people for who they are and looking beyond superficial means to judge people instead of falling prey to our prejudices and our tribal instincts towards fear.
“The only way we’re going to get over that is by being familiarised with it, by being exposed to it.
“I’ve said this before but education is the antidote to prejudice.”
Heard previously said she has to “fight” for movie roles since she came out.
Going on, she said she thought celebrities who stay in the closet are “inadvertently admitting it’s wrong” to be gay or bisexual.
She went on: “I personally think that if you deny something or if you hide something you’re inadvertently admitting it’s wrong. I hate the idea of a label just as much as anyone else but I’m with who I’m with.
“I’m not a better actress than I was yesterday and my personal life should have no effect on that.”