Fiji Prime Minister accused of criminal action against LGBT community

The Prime Minister of Fiji has been accused of criminal action against the LGBT community.
Last week Frank Bainimarama said Fiji would not get same-sex marriage.
The Prime Minister went on to say that women who want to marry women should go to Iceland to marry and not return.
Lawyer and LGBT activist Aman Ravindra-Singh suggested the PM had breached Section 26 of the country’s consitution by inciting hatred towards the LGBT community.
He said the Prime Minister could be charged under the criminal code.
“Under section 65 there is a particular offence called inciting communal antagonism. This issue has now flared within our community and in our society as a whole.
“The prime minister has breached section 65 in that his action has incited communal antagonism and he should be investigated and charged,” he said.
Mr Ravindra-Singh said members of the LGBT community have felt a backlash after the Prime Minister made his comments.
“One thing I can say with certainty is these comments have inflamed members of our society against the gay, LGBTI community and comments by the prime minister have directly incited communal antagonism.”
As well as saying the Prime Minister is guilty of offences against the community as a whole, Mr Ravindra-Singh also said there was at least one person interested in filing an individual police complaint.
The lawyer said things will only get worse, and Fiji needs to introduce same-sex marriage in order to show acceptance.
Mr Bainimarama denies that the Constitution of Fiji applies to LGBT people when it uses the term “equality”.