#TweetLikeAWhiteGay highlights racism in gay community

A new hashtag aimed at drawing attention to racism in the gay community is causing controversy online.
A Twitter campaign hoping to highlight racism in the gay community has led to debate online, with many accusing white, gay men of ignoring – and often adding to – the struggles of other minorities.
Users of the hashtag accused certain members of the gay community of condemning prejudice, whilst simultaneously discriminating against other minorities, especially on hook-up apps.
Others ridiculed “privileged, white” gay men for appropriating language and style from the very minorities whose plight they continue to ignore.
Many welcomed the campaign as an opportunity to express how difficult it is to be both gay and black, trans or a woman.
Users of the hashtag were accused of hypocrisy, for highlighting the issue of discrimination by discriminating themselves.
In response, those defending the hashtag argued that the campaign was not about attacking individuals – but rather bigoted attitudes that continue to effect the whole community.
Meanwhile, this year’s Oscars nominations continue to receive criticism due to the lack of diversity at this year’s awards.
For a second year in a row, no minorities were nominated in any of the four acting categories.
However, acting legend Sir Ian McKellen claims that the issue of discrimination is not one that effects simply one minority – after pointing out that no openly gay actor has ever been nominated for an award either.