One in three gay men have experienced ‘anti-fat bias’

More than one third of gay men have been treated badly due to their weight, results of a new survey show.
One in three gay men have experienced ‘anti-fat bias,’ according to a recent study published in Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Out of the 215 participants who took part in the study, more than one third reported directly experiencing anti-fat bias – even though many of them were not overweight using body mass index (BMI) guidelines.
The most common type of bias based on weight reported was rejection by potential partners.
Researchers say that both experiencing and witnessing anti-fat bias was associated with several types of body image disturbance – such as body dysmorphia and eating disorders.
A later study also found that gay men reported a greater likelihood of being blatantly ignored, treated rudely or mocked behind his back by friends and romantic interests if overweight.
“These studies suggest that anti-fat bias is a challenge for many members of the gay community, even those who are not technically overweight,” the study concluded.
“Additionally, gay men expect other gay men to show these anti-fat biases when looking for a romantic partner.”
Discrimination within the gay community caused further debate recently, as a new hashtag aimed at highlighting racism between gay men trended on Twitter.
Users of the hashtag #TweetLikeAWhiteGay accused certain members of the gay community of condemning prejudice, whilst simultaneously discriminating against other minorities, especially on hook-up apps.
Others ridiculed “privileged, white” gay men for appropriating language and style from the very minorities whose plight they continue to ignore.