Jeb Bush had to ASK a crowd to ‘please clap’ for him at his own rally

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has caused an internet storm of cringeworthiness – by asking a crowd at a rally to ‘please clap’ for him.
Bush, who was speaking in New Hampshire, made an almighty speech bigging himself up, and was obviously pretty pleased with it.
The crowd, however, were not. As he paused for applause, no applause came.
“I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said. The crowd was tough.
Then, so as not to have wasted his “fiery riff”, as described by the New York Times, Bush simply asked them “please clap”, which they did.
Perhaps he thought adding the exclamation mark to his ‘Jeb!’ campaign logo might get the voters of New Hampshire going. It didn’t.
Bush has around 9 percent support in New Hampshire, according to several polling averages.
Watch the moment below – be prepared to cringe
Bush, who apparently can’t even spell marriage – last year came out in defence of an anti-gay Kentucky clerk who was jailed for contempt of court.
In a collection of emails Mr Bush released last month, the former Governor of Florida told a gay constituent that his partnership “shouldn’t be afforded” the protections of “marraige” [sic] – consistently misspelling the word marriage while espousing his ‘belief’ in traditional marriage.