Cannibal who ate gay lover ‘with permission’ describes ‘unique experience’

Armin Meiwes first hit headlines fifteen years ago after killing and consuming his gay lover.
A notorious German cannibal gone into graphic detail about how he killed and ate his gay lover – “with his permission”.
Armin Meiwes’ sickening act was uncovered following the discovery of murdered 43-year-old computer technician Bernd Brandes in 2001.
Brandes’ remains were found scattered around Meiwes’ isolated farmhouse.
The pair met online, after Brandes posted an advert offering “the chance to eat me alive”.
Earlier this week, Meiwes went into further detail about the horrific killing as part of an upcoming documentary.
Warning – the rest of this article is not for the squeamish or fainthearted.
After the pair met they went to the ancient farmhouse owned by Meiwes, where they had sex.
However, according to Meiwes, Brandes was not satisfied because “he wanted to be eaten alive”.
Brandes then swallowed 20 sleeping tablets with half a bottle of schnapps before Meiwes cut off his penis “with his agreement”, and fried it for them both to eat.
He eventually killed Brandes by stabbing him in the neck and then chopping him into pieces – before eating his lover piece by piece.
“I took out my best dinner service, and fried and piece of rump steak – a piece from his back – made what I call princess potatoes, and sprouts.
“After I prepared my meal, I ate it. The first bite was, of course, very strange.
“I’d spent over 40 years longing for it, dreaming about it.
“And now I was getting the feeling that I was actually achieving this perfect inner connection through his flesh. The flesh tastes like pork but stronger.”
Meiwes filmed much of the gruesome killing, and 19 minutes of the four-hour video were later shown during his trial.
He became the first person in Germany to be charged with murder for sexual satisfaction, or ‘love cannibalism’ after police were tipped off about the murder by a student.
Meiwes was originally charged with manslaughter – receiving a sentence of eight years – but was tried and convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.
It is believed he has become a vegetarian during his time behind bars.