Ryan Reynolds hints that Deadpool may have boyfriend in sequel

The superhero is set to have a male love interest in the sequel, claims the film’s star.
Deadpool is shaping up to be the most sexually diverse character ever to hit the big screen.
Fans went wild after director Tim Miller recently confirmed that the upcoming superhero flick would feature a “hyper-sexualised” version of Deadpool.
“Pansexual! I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool,” he said.
However, some fans may be disappointed to know that the character does not have sex with – or even kiss – another male in the film, although he does do plenty of flirting.
Despite this, another of the film’s writers, Rhett Reese – who has already signed on for a sequel – has confirmed that the hero’s sexuality will be explored further in future outings
“We knew that was part of the comics. We wanted to honour that in the movie,” Reese said.
And it seems that the film’s leading star is more than happy about plans to expand his character sexually.
“That would be great,” Ryan Reynolds said. “I certainly wouldn’t be the guy standing in the way of that.
“I love that about Deadpool. I love that he can break any boundary.
“In the future, I hope we get to do that more,” added the star – who recently defended naming his daughter James.
The comic book version of the character was confirmed not as “omnisexual” in 2013 by writer Gerry Duggan.
Responding to a fan question concerning Deadpool’s sexuality, Duggan that the character would “…do anything with a pulse”.
The upcoming movie is being produced by 20th Century Fox and exist in the same cinematic universe as the X-Men.
Marvel’s Cinematic Universe – which features Iron Man, Thor and Captain America – has recently featured its first gay characters, in TV series Jessica Jones and Agents of SHIELD.
Deadpool hits cinemas this week.
Read our review of the film here.