Two gay fathers baptise their adorable daughter in this touching video

The dads say it is important to them that their daughter is brought up with their faith and values.
When gay dads John and Michael Sawyer struggled to adopt a child into their family, they sought comfort in the congregation at Saint Matthew’s Catholic Church.
Fortunately, the pair have now successfully adopted a daughter – Rosie and they recently decided they wanted to pass on their Christian faith and values to their child.
In a heartwarming and intimate video, the couple document their daughter’s baptism, as they share how much the support they have received from their congregation means to their family.
“It’s important for both of us that Rosie grow up in the Church, knowing that’s our belief system, and for me, [baptism is] her initiation into the church community,” Michael said.
Currently, Catholicism does not support same-sex relationships or adoption by same-sex parents.
However, Saint Matthew’s says it champions a diverse community, even creating a programme known as LEAD (LGBT Educating and Affirming Diversity).
LEAD aims to create a “safe space” for members of the LGBT Catholic community.
The group consists of more than 50 people – LGBT people as well as “straight allies” – who say they benefit greatly from the friendship and support offered by the congregation.
“The kind of support St. Matthew’s has given us has been tremendous,” Michael explained.
“Tremendous in the sense of a place where can go and honour our relationship with each other.”
“When we were going through our difficulty with adoption, it was a place we could go to cry and centre ourselves spiritually.”
Watch the pair baptising their daughter below: