21 of the weirdest ways mothers describe gay people

Users of parenting forum Mumsnet have shared their favourite euphemisms for homosexuality – and some of them are truly bizarre.
The internet discussion board for mothers is notorious for asking politicians about their favourite chocolatey nibble – but one of their recent discussions really takes the biscuit.
One mum asked users to “share favourite bizarre and nice phrases for describing homosexuality”
She wrote: “I was procrastinating from work (which is related to this) and realising I have no idea whether or not people still use all of those euphemisms like ‘a friend of Dorothy’ any more. Do they?”
Here’s 21 of the ways mothers apparently still refer to gay people… without saying ‘gay’.
1. She’s drinking from the furry cup
2. Is he musical?
3. They bang coffins against coffins
4. They don’t need a pestle in their mortar
5. He was light on his feet
6. She wears sensible shoes
7. He has an interest in soft furnishings
8. Are you a friend of Dorothy?
9. He looks like he’d be good to his mother
10. She likes a round of golf
11. Not a fan of the meat feast