Texas and Alabama love watching lesbian porn, don’t love protecting lesbians from discrimination

A study has revealed that lesbian porn is incredibly popular in states with no discrimination protections for lesbian couples.
Pornhub, which is one of the most popular porn websites in the world, released a breakdown this week of the most popular search terms used on the site, across the 50 US states.
The study explains: “There’s nothing like an election year to illustrate how UN-united the United States of America can be.
“Political affiliations and porn appreciations both differ from state-to-state and coast-to-coast. Thus brings us to today’s Pornhub Insights topic – along with our friends at Vocativ, we present the top ranking search terms and categories across the United States.”
The breakdown of search terms shows that ‘lesbian’ is the most popular search term across the vast majority of states, with nearly 30 states among those who search for lesbians more than anything else.
Lesbians are popular in a number of states where same-sex couples don’t have basic anti-discrimination protections, including Texas – where a vicious campaign was waged to block an LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance in the city of Houston last year.
Searches for ‘Lesbian’ also top the list in Alabama – where the state’s elected Republican Chief Justice Roy Moore has led the charge against equal marriage, attempting to defy the Supreme Court to block gay weddings.
Given that people in both states have voted to oppress LGBT rights, it is interesting to note that (statistically speaking) a lot of them were probably getting off on lesbian porn before doing so.
Lesbians are also on top in Utah and Kansas, home to the anti-LGBT Mormon Church and Westboro Baptist Church respectively.
Do Mormon leaders watch lesbian porn before passing aggressively anti-LGBT policies which have been linked to a rise in Mormon teen suicide? We couldn’t possibly comment.