A woman who claims Obama was a gay prostitute could control the Texas school curriculum

A woman who has made the claim that President Obama was a gay prostitute may soon have power to influence what goes into school textbooks.
Retired schoolteacher Mary Lou Bruner, 68, has previously claimed on social media that President Obama turned to gay sex work to fund a drug habit.
In a Facebook post from October 2015, Bruner wrote: “Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. That is how he paid for his drugs…Since he supports gay marriage, he should be proud of his background as a homosexual/bisexual. He is against everything else Christians stand for, he might as well be for infidelity.”
Bruner in 2010 stood before the Texas State Board of Education and claimed that “people from the Middle East” were attempting to influence school textbooks by putting financial pressure on publishers.
Bruner has now received 48 percent of a Repulican primary for a seat on the same Board.
Despite not having yet received the 50 percent required to win, Bruner is expected to do so at a runoff election in May against Keven Ellis who won 31 percent.
The Houston Chronicle reports that the Republican candidate in the election looks set to win against the Democratic opponent.
Whoever wins will join the State Board of Education, members of which exercise influence over curricula in Texas.
Curriculum guidelines provided by the Board dictate to publishers how they create textbooks for the state.
Asked whether she would apologise for the opinion on Obama, Bruner told Breitbart: “I don’t intend to apologise for my opinions because I still believe my statements are accurate.”
She has also written on the “climate change HOAX” to claim that it is made up, in order to change from capitalism to “Socialism-Communism”.
Bruner previously claimed the American Civil War was not caused by slavery, but that “Historians waited until all of the people who were alive during the Civil War and the Restoration were dead of old age”, then “wrote the history books to tell the story the way they wanted it told.”
Of the assasination of JFK, she said: “Many people believe the Democrat Party had JFK killed because the socialists and Communists in the party did not want a conservative president.”
The teacher of 36 years has said she intends to “advocate for a return to traditional education,” “promote conservative curriculum standards aligned with Texas values” and “protect the children’s textbook fund from lobbyists.”
She also believes that baby dinosaurs lived on Noah’s Ark.
Since the results of the GOP primary, Bruner has claimed there is a smear campaign against her and that the press is going after her with “barrels of ink”.