See what happened when Ellen Page and her gay bff went to Japan (VIDEO)

Since coming out two years ago Ellen Page has become a strong advocate of LGBT rights around the globe.
The Freeheld star, who came out as a lesbian in 2014, fronts VICE’s new documentary series Gaycation – and travelled to some of the most homophobic places on earth alongside gay best friend Ian Daniel.
After travelling to Brazil and confronting a policeman who brags about shooting gay people, Ellen and her best friend Ian Daniel have gone to Japan.
It isn’t the only time Page confronts a homophobe in the series – she attends a Pride parade in Jamaica despite the threats of violence, and challenges anti-LGBT Republican Ted Cruz, who later called her a “liberal fascist”.
In the latest episode of Viceland’s Gaycation, Page and Daniel check out the nightlife in Japan, as well as exploring some of the anti-LGBT laws and culture.
Check out their adventure below: