21 true facts about coming out of the closet
Coming out of the closet is one of the best, but sometimes one of the most harrowing parts of an LGBT person’s life.
Here are a few home truths lots of people go through before deciding the time is right to come out.
1. Before you come out, it feels like the universe is subtly trying to tell you something…
2. This happens to the point of exhaustion as, eventually, you come to terms with it!
3. You plan out the perfect way to tell everyone
4. You know exactly how it’s going to happen, and how everyone will react
5. But when it comes down to it you decide the timing isn’t right
6. Even when people ask, you can’t bring yourself to say those few little words
7. Like, really… You don’t know why you can’t just say it and it’s scary when people ask you…
8. You decide to come out to one of your best friends, just to test the water…
9. And a few more close friends, but you’re not ready to come out publicly, yet…
10. So you try really hard to hide your secret because you’re still not ready…
11. Spending time with family before you fully come out can be pretty testing
12. Trying to hide your true self even just for a few days…
13. But sometimes you just can’t bite your tongue about LGBT rights during family time…
14. In fact, everything, everywhere seems to become a trial because you’re still in the closet
15. You try really really hard to keep your secret
16. Despite the best accidental efforts of any family member you’ve told to sabotage you
17. To the point where you obsess over everything you say and do