Politician: If you put gays on a desert island they would die and ‘that’s all you need to know’

A Republican congressman has doubled down on his claim that he doesn’t need to think about equality – because gay people would “die off” on a desert island.
Louie Gohmert, who sits in the US House of Representatives claimed last year that same-sex marriage redundant because homosexuals cannot “sustain life” and would die out if left on a desert island.
Though his suggestion would constitute a compelling shake-up to long-running BBC show ‘Desert Island Discs’, they were met with horror from LGBT activists shocked to hear them coming out of a senior elected politician.
However, Gohmert doubled down this week – repeating his claim that gay equality is meaningless because gays can’t reproduce.
Speaking to radio host Michelangelo Signorile on SiriusXM, he said: “It just occurred to me as I was asked, but if you want a long-term study on what’s the best building block for the family, you can take couples, man and wife couples, put them on an island where they have everything they need to sustain a society.
“Take all male couples, put them on an island, everything they need to survive. Take all women couples, put them on an island, and all they need to survive.
“Come back in 100 years and see which building block has been most effective in perpetuating their society and I think it’ll tell you all you need to know.”
The Ted Cruz ally has also claimed that Barack Obama’s government is committing “hate crimes” against conservative Christians.
In the past Gohmert has compared gay rights advocates to Nazis while in the House, that equal marriage will force churches to hire cross dressers and Satan worshippers, and – most bizarrely – argued that gay people shouldn’t serve in the military because they’ll need massages.