Your favourite queer female celebrities looking awesome then and now
Have you ever wondered what your favourite queer celebrities looked like before they rose to fame?
Look no further ā click to slide across the images to see the before pictures.
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“Do things that make you happy, within the confines of the legal system”
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“Only you know who you were born to be, you need to be free to be that person”
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“If you believe in yourself, anything is possible”
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“I think society is all about judgement, which is so rude and disrespectful”
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“Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from”
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“Do what you feel comfortable doing. Existing as a black woman is a revolution in itself”
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“The world would be a whole lot better if we made an effort to be less horrible to one another”
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“You have to struggle no matter where you are to get where you’re going”
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“To not have any hope is where things start to get bleak. The impossible can be possible”
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“No matter where you come from or what you did in your past everyone deserves love”
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“Be courageous, believe in yourself and be the best woman you can be”