Florida’s anti-gay marriage ‘Loser of the Year’ backs Donald Trump

The Florida politician who wasted hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars by unsuccessfully trying to stop equal marriage has endorsed Donald Trump.
Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi was a fierce opponent of same-sex marriage until the very end, claiming in a legal brief that “disrupting Florida’s existing marriage laws would impose significant public harm”, and would cause “significant financial and logistical problems”.
The AG continued to fight against same-sex marriage until the very week that marriages began, filing desperate attempts to stall on the issue.
The thrice-married Ms Bondi – who was named ‘Loser of the Year’ for her sad attempts to stall equality – didn’t even give up once equality became law, filing a dispute in an attempt to avoid shelling out the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the case had racked up in legal fees.
When someone’s that much of a winner, you probably don’t even need us to tell you that she’s voting for Donald Trump.
She said: “I look around this country and this world and it frightens me now and it should frighten all of us.
“We are about the protection and security of our nation … [and] we need leadership.
“We need someone who is unafraid to lead and restore America to its greatness.
“Today I am proud to endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States of America.”
She added: “I always listen to my mum and my mum is with Donald Trump and so am I!”
According to pro-Trump website Breitbart, a statement from Mr Trump said: “It is my great honour to receive the endorsement from a leader as highly respected as Attorney General Pam Bondi.
“I love the people of Florida, where over the years, I have invested my time, hundreds of millions of dollars and employed thousands of people.
“Pam is one of the many individuals I have formed a great relationship with and I am very proud to receive her support.”
The endorsement threatens to open old wounds, however – Ms Bondi faced questions in 2013 when she declined to take up a case against Trump University.
Critics noted at the time that Mr Trump appeared to have donated $25,000 to a committee associated with Bondi’s campaign around the time of the decision, though both deny wrongdoing.