Rod Stewart: My son likes dressing in women’s clothes, but I don’t mind if he’s gay

Rod Stewart has opened up about his son’s penchant for “dressing up as a lady”.
The veteran rocker – who has eight children by five women – opened up about his family life in a Mail interview.
He spoke about his youngest son, five-year-old Aiden, joking about his dressing-up habits.
Stewart said :”The little one, I don’t know yet. He likes dressing up as a lady. So we don’t know which way he’s thinking.”
The veteran singer explained that his son often raids the wardrobe of his mother, Stewart’s current wife Penny Lancaster.
He said: “He’s always dressing up like Mary Poppins. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it.”
“If he turns out to be a homosexual, that’s okay with me. As long as he’s happy.”
Stewart’s children aren’t lacking in gay role models if any of them do come out – the singer is very close friends with Sir Elton John and David Furnish.
He previously joked that Sir Elton tried to convince Stewart he was gay “all the time” during the height of their careers.
He said: “But he never tried it on with me, even though I was quite fanciable back then.
“But God, we had some great, late nights. You’ve never laughed so much. Or drank so much.”
Actor Will Smith spoke recently about his son Jaden’s decision to wear dresses in public, saying he is proud of him pushing his boundaries.
Smith said: “There’s a really powerful internal quality as an artist that as parents we encourage. You’ve gotta get out on the edge. You’ve got to be comfortable doing things that people don’t agree with and you’ve got to be comfortable doing things that you could fail.
“Jaden is 100 percent fearless. He will do anything. As a parent it’s scary – it’s really terrifying, but he is completely willing to live and die by his own artistic decisions and he doesn’t concern himself with what people think.”