Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

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To celebrate the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, PinkNews takes a look at the superheroesā€™ most homoerotic moment.

1 The time they inexplicably joined the navy

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

2 That good, eh, Robin?

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

3 When Superman got caught playing with his ā€˜idolā€™

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

4 When Batman kissed Supermanā€¦

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

5 ā€¦ and Superman kissed him right back!

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

6 Cruising ā€“ superhero style!

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

7 When Superman randomly bathed Robinā€¦

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

8 And then Robin whipped out his hose!

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

9 When Batman took Robin ā€˜wrestlingā€™ā€¦

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

10 Before Robin reminded him of his leather thong?!?!

Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments


Batman v Superman: 11 of their gayest moments

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