Virginia Governor vetoes anti-LGBT ‘religious freedom’ bill

The Governor of Virginia has vetoed a bill which he says would legalise discrimination against LGBT people.
Governor Terry McAuliffe vetoed the “religious freedom” legislation.
He made the announcement during a radio interview on WTOP.
The bill would have made it illegal for the state to punish any religious group which refuses to provide services for a same-sex wedding.
According to its supporters, many of who were Republican, the bill would protect people who wanted to express a deeply held religious belief.
But its critics said, as with many “religious freedom” bill pending in US states, it could lead to the legalisation of discrimination against LGBT people.
The veto in Virginia came as Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal also vetoed a similar bill.
the law was met with resistance from LGBT rights groups in conjunction with major businesses – with Disney among those threatening to boycott the state if the law is enacted. Tyler Perry, whose lucrative film business is based in the state, had also slammed the bill.
Dozens chanted “shut it down” outside North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory’s mansion at a protest arranged after he signed into law a bill which voided local ordinances protecting LGBT people.
A transgender man has totally shut down the ludicrous arguments in favour of North Carolina’s new anti-LGBT bill with one perfect tweet.
Georgia and North Carolina faced threats of boycotts from big businesses, as well as sporting event organisers, threatening their economies.
McAuliffe had previously promised to veto the bill.