‘Men only’ barbershop facing discrimination lawsuit after refusing to cut trans man’s hair

A barber in Southern California has been slapped with a discrimination suit – after refusing to cut the hair of a transgender person.
Rose Trevis, who is described in the case as a “transgender male with a masculine gender expression” – but appears to use female pronouns. Trevis had gone to Hawleywood’s Barber Shop in Long Beach to get a men’s haircut.
However, the barbers refused to serve Trevis, claiming that women are “not allowed” in the shop and that they do not offer “women’s haircuts” – despite Trevis having short hair and requesting a men’s cut.
The “old school” barbershop touts its men only policy online.
Its website states: “Remember waaaay back when in the good ol’ days when you could go down to the local barber shop, get a straight razor shave, a nice tight haircut and enjoy the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of a real men’s sanctuary?
“Well guess what? It’s back and it’s called Donnie Hawleywood’s Traditional Barber shop!
It adds: “One thing you won’t see at Hawleywood’s is women. You all know how distracting a woman can be and who wants a straight razor shave with a buxom blonde in the joint?
“So leave yer’ ol’ lady at home because you might need to talk about her. And besides, no one ever looks cool in the middle of a hair cut.”
Trevis filed a lawsuit against the barber shop today, with attorneys Gloria Allred and Byron Lau alleging the case was discrimination based on gender identity.
They explained: “I felt humiliated, discriminated against and frowned upon. I was dumbfounded and appalled that this kind of behaviour continues to exist and hope we can bring an end to this observed type of discrimination.”
In a press conference, Ms Allred cut up a sign that said “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”.
She said: “A business that excludes women, refuses to serve women and that confirms a discriminatory policy in its advertising is in violation of the law.
“Furthermore, a business that refuses to serve a customer based on gender identity or perceived gender identity also violates that customer or potential customer’s civil rights.
“We have, therefore, filed a lawsuit today against Hawleywood’s alleging discrimination based on gender in violation of California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act and alleging discrimination based on perceived gender in violation of that same Act (California Civil Code Section 51.)
“We are seeking an injunction (a court order mandating that Hawleywood’s barber shop eliminate its policy and practice of illegally discriminating on the basis of gender or perceived gender and mandating that it stop refusing to provide accommodations or services for those reasons in their place of business).”
A similar case emerged last week when a barber refused to cut a trans soldier’s hair for “religious” reasons.