Pagans post epic response to straight couple who wanted a ‘no-gays’ wedding officiant

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The Pagan Federation Ireland sent a great response to a heterosexual couple who requested an officiant who doesn’t perform gay or mixed race weddings.

The group offers Pagan hand-fasting ceremonies via a register of celebrants living throughout Ireland.

However, one specific request they shared on Facebook was quite surprising.

The message said: “My fiancé and I are currently planning a trip to Ireland (from the US) next June of 2017 to get married and honeymoon for three weeks.

“We are Odinists and would like an Odinist or similar minded clergy to marry us. We would prefer to find someone who only performs heterosexual ceremonies and refrains from marrying those of mixed races.

“If you can help me find someone, that would be fantastic and very much appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.”
However, the request for an ethnically-segregated, straights-only officiant didn’t go down too well.

The PFI’s reply says: “We are most happy to report that none of our clergy subscribe to your views on mixed race or gay marriage, and so we cannot assist you in your upcoming visit to Ireland.

“F**k off.

“Yours very sincerely, Everyone at Pagan Federation Ireland.”

Responding to a follow-up message, the group offered to print two laminated copies of the exchange – “one of which we will have framed and put on the office wall, lest we ever forget”.

The UK’s first legally recognised pagan same-sex wedding took place in January 2015, after Scotland – which allows a diverse range of groups to carry out official wedding ceremonies – legalised equal marriage.

A number of Pagan groups have made informal handfastings available to same-sex couples for decades.