The DUP and a more accurate party political broadcast

Like other parts of the UK, Northern Ireland will be going to polls on May 5 to elect a new assembly.
The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) are predicted to be returned as the largest party and their leader, Arlene Foster, as First Minister.
However, we think that there are a few things you should know about the party before the election.
Invest in Infrastructure
The DUP wants to keep a 155-year-old law, which can punish a woman with life imprisonment for terminating a pregnancy.
Recently, a woman in Northern Ireland was arrested and handed a suspended prison sentence for acquiring abortion pills online.
When asked about this in a debate, Arlene Foster said Northern Ireland should “wrap its arms” around these women in a “crisis”.
The only legal way for a women to seek an abortion in Northern Ireland is to travel to a jurisdiction (such as England, Scotland or Wales) where it is allowed.
This isn’t free and isn’t cheap.
The only infrastructure the DUP seem to be investing in, is how to make it harder for women to make a choice over abortion.
More Jobs
Arlene Foster’s party believe in a conscience clause to protect religious people who want to discriminate against people purely because they identify as LGBT.
As much as we’d like to think that what’s happening in states such as Mississippi and North Carolina is a world way, the truth is…it’s also happening on our doorstep.
Prioritise Spending on Health
The DUP want to maintain a lifetime ban on gay men giving blood.
Claiming that homosexuals are more at risk of contracting HIV and ignoring developments in testing for blood borne viruses, the party has continued to argue for gay men to be excluded.
The ironic thing about it all is that due to a shortage of blood in Northern Ireland – the Northern Irish NHS has to import blood from other areas of the UK, which allow gay men to donate blood after being celibate for a year.
Although this isn’t ideal, the rest of the UK is currently undergoing a review and Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron, is pushing for the ban to be removed.
Raising Standards of Education
Unlike other parts of the UK, such as Scotland, which are looking for ways to improve how to education children on LGBT issues.
In its assembly manifesto the DUP don’t even mention ‘gay’ or ‘LGBT’, never mind anything to do with inclusive education.
Protect Family Budgets
While on the subject of the manifesto, the party reaffirmed their opposition to marriage equality.
It said the DUP, “stood by its commitment to family values and marriage and will continue to do so”.
That’s why we’ve created our own version of their party political broadcast – so that you can think twice about what way to
Watch our version of the DUP’s political party broadcast below