Hillary Clinton offers support to trans woman assaulted on subway as nobody helped

Hillary Clinton has offered support to a New York trans woman who was filmed the moment she was assaulted and called a ‘f**king homo’ in a busy subway car, as onlookers didn’t defend her.
Pearl Love began filming after a woman sat opposite her on the New York Subway started taunting her.
Love filmed the woman making a number of shocking racist, homophobic and transphobic remarks – branding her a “a f****** homo” and mocking her Asian heritage.
The rant continued: “You living in a man’s penis and body with women’s make-up on”.
“You a transvestite, suck my dick. Bitch bye, you ain’t nothing. You a fu**ing homo gay motherf**ker in some women’s products and whatnots.
“Who are you really under all that make-up? Where’d you come from? How we supposed to act with you?
“This s**t right here ain’t appropriate for my child, I don’t give a f**k. I’ll fight you right now.”
The woman continues to mock Love’s Asian heritage, continuing: “Whoever that motherf**ker there is in Taiwan or Tokyo, f**k y’alls emperor. Y’all motherf**kers ain’t s**t.”
At the end of the clip the woman appears to physically assault Love, threatening her into turning the camera off.
Love recalled: “I ignored her and kept reading my book. When the train got to 86st St. she started getting so loud and crazy yelling at me, so I started to record her on my phone – she started getting even louder and started assault me and hit me.
“As you can see it’s definitely a hate crime. She attacked me inside the train .
“When I retreated she threw all my stuff on the floor and chased me around the train and say she is going to find a stick to hit me.
“It was a crowded train and everyone heard it but no one helped me. Guys acting like nothing happened.”
Clinton wrote on Love’s Facebook page on Friday.
She said: “Pearl, I’m so sorry that you experienced this. The all-too-high prevalence of violence and hatred faced by the transgender community — today, in 2016! — is a rebuke to all of us. Every single person deserves to be safe and live free from discrimination and cruelty, period.
“And transgender people need to hear from every one of us that you are loved, respected, and deserving of equality under the law. Know that you have my support, and I’m on your side.”
The original video is below, beware it contains racist, homophobic and transphobic language: