Undercover police expose UK ‘death to gays’ ISIS meetings
Five extremists are in court – after an undercover police officer recorded alleged secret meetings in support of ISIS.
The five men are facing action over the meetings, which allegedly took place in support of the so-called Islamic State in Luton in July 2015.
Some of the meetings took place in a marquee in a back garden, as well as in a church hall.
The Old Bailey heard how the first speaker, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, called for gay people to be thrown off buildings.
According to the Times, he said: “When the parliament are making laws and having Gay Pride today in the UK, Gay Pride, where’s the pride in being gay? There’s no pride in being gay.
“[Praise be to God] the people haven’t caught you, or it’s high building for you.”
He added: “[There’s] no time for relaxation, we should be asking for forgiveness from God every night. Oh Allah, forgive that we’re living amongst these people and we’re not completing our duty towards you.”
In his speech, the defendant apparently warned people not to feel sorry for victims of terrorist attacks in Tunisia.
He also allegedly warned the undercover officer about a clampdown on extremism, claiming that parents could have their children taken into care if they “do not agree” with homosexuality,
The man is accused of encouraging support for a proscribed organisation, ISIS.
According to the newspaper, a further defendant who cannot be named for legal reasons is alleged to have arranged three meetings in support of the same group.
Rajib Khan stands accused of arranging a meeting in support of Islamic State and addressing a meeting.
Mohammed Sufiyan Choudry was charged with encouraging support for a proscribed organisation contrary to the Terrorism Act.
Yousaf Bashir is accused of addressing a meeting to encourage support for Islamic State.
All five men deny the charges. The trial continues.