President Obama dedicates Father’s Day address to victims of Orlando shooting (VIDEO)

President Obama has made an address on Father’s Day, dedicating it to the 49 people killed in a mass shooting at an Orlando gay club.
Barack Obama on Thursday arrived in Orlando, where he paid an emotional tribute to the victims of the Orlando massacre.
Read Obama’s full speech from Orlando here.
Also this week the First Lady Michelle Obama paid tribute to the victims of the mass shooting at the Pulse club in Orlando.
Now, giving his weekly address, the President has gone further, to remember those lost and injured one week on from the tragedy, as well as calling for greater gun control.
“It’s been less than a week since the deadliest mass shooting in American history. And foremost in all of our minds has been the loss and the grief felt by the people of Orlando, especially our friends who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. I visited with the families of many of the victims on Thursday. And one thing I told them is that they’re not alone. The American people, and people all over the world, are standing with them – and we always will.
“The investigation is ongoing, but we know that the killer was an angry and disturbed individual who took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet, and became radicalised. During his killing spree, he pledged allegiance to ISIL, a group that’s called on people around the world to attack innocent civilians.”
Going on the President vowed to keep fighting to eradicate ISIL, and noted dangers which should be preventable in public places and for young people.
The President also suggested that there should be tighter restrictions on who can purchase guns.
He adds:”We need our kids to hear from us why tolerance and equality matter – about the times their absence has scarred our history and how greater understanding will better the future they will inherit. We need our kids to hear our words – and also see us live our own lives with love.
“To me, fatherhood means being there. So in the days ahead, let’s be there for each other. Let’s be there for our families, and for those that are hurting. Let’s come together in our communities and as a country. And let’s never forget how much good we can achieve simply by loving one another.”
Watch it below: