YouTube’s biggest star wrongly evicted for having ‘loud gay sex’

A YouTube star was thrown out after making a video for his popular channel, in which his landlord thought he was having gay sex.
On Friday, PewDiePie, the first YouTuber to surpass 10 billion views and arguably the Internet’s biggest star, posted a video explaining how he got kicked out of his Brighton home, on the South coast of England.
Although Brighton is considered the ‘gay capital of the UK’, PewDiePie (real name Felix Kjellberg) received an eviction notice from a homophobic landlord.
Kjellberg, who is straight, was actually filming a video for his channel when his landlord knocked on his door, called him a “faggot” and accused him of having loud gay sex.
In his video, Kjellberg explains that he didn’t even know it was his landlord at first, and didn’t get a formal noise complaint until after being evicted.
With over 45 million subscribers, this landlord’s prejudice wasn’t going unnoticed.
Along with the 7 minute video, which includes a clip of the exchange with the landlord, Kjellberg sent out a series of tweets explaining more of his feelings on the situation.
He said he had planned to fight the eviction but was “honestly happy to just move far away from that guy.”
While Kjellberg had the resources to be able to find a new home quickly, he expressed how hard it is to find places to live in Brighton and that another “normal person” in that situation could find themselves homeless.
Earlier this year, the landlord of a lesbian bar in Moscow tricked the owner into leaving so that they could change the locks and repossess the property.
Sometimes though, landlords do something nice. A landlord evicted an anti-gay church after it celebrated the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando that cost the lives of 49 people.