Duck Dynasty star compares gay marriage to mass murder

Duck Dynasty personality Phil Robertson has been caught on camera again condemning homosexuality.
Speaking at the Western Conservative Summit last week, which took place in Denver, Robertson compared same-sex marriage to the alleged murders of 160,000 Americans.
At the event, Robertson joined speakers such as Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, to comment on the Iraq war, saying: “At the time of those two wars over the last 13, 14 years, you see going on right here in America, 160,000 were murdered… Sounds like we got a bigger war going on here than over there. Well who’s behind it?”
Robertson continued, “When you allow men to determine … what’s right and what’s wrong, you get decisions like the five judges saying, ‘I may not know we have 7,000 years of history of men marrying women. A male and a female. For that reason, they’ll leave their father and mother and cleave to one and other and become one flesh. I know it’s been that way for 7,000 years, but we know best for what’s everyone.’”
He made his comments just four days before the debut of the 10th season of Duck Dynasty, but A&E has not yet commented on his words.
Robertson was suspended from the A&E reality show for less than two weeks in 2013, when he ranted about men who prefer “a man’s anus” over a vagina.
Robertson, who claims that sexually transmitted infections are God’s punishment for gays, appeared at a rally for Cruz this year, where he declared: “On behalf of Cruz, I got behind him.
“I’m looking for someone who’s Godly and who will not budge on principle and won’t budge on this Bible that I’m holding here in my hand.”
Check out Phil Robertson’s latest comments below:
Phil Robetson war by DailyPolitics