21 pets who proudly support LGBT rights

PinkNews takes a look at pets who are proud to support their LGBT owners.
1 This dog rocking his epic Trump-inspired cap
2 And these cats who are clearly all about same-sex love
3 This happily married couple who couldn’t give a f*ck what Boris thinks
4 Or this absolute sass queen
5 This pussy is knitting her very own Pride costume…
6 …and this puss is wearing it
7 This guy!
8 Loud & Proud!
9 No. Actual. Words.
10 This little fella wants to see homophobia go up in smoke!
11 Whereas this lovely lady let’s her scarf do the woofing
12 Gays only!
13 This guy is all kinds of fabulous…
14 …as is this beautiful lady
15 #BornThisWay
17 Who needs Valentine’s when you have two cats in love?
18 Amazing!