These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Sunday marked Gay Uncles day – celebrating gay uncles all over the world. PinkNews takes a look at some the best gay uncles around.

1 Adorable!

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

2 All for one…

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

3 … and one for all!

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

4 Nugget

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

5 Bon appetit

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

6 Cute!

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

7 Raise a glass

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

8 Pride!

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

You may like to watch

9 Guncles!

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

10 All smiles

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

11 Sweet

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

12 #LoveWins

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

13 Who needs one guncle when you can have seven?

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

14 Beautiful!

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

15 And our personal favourite…

These 15 adorable images show the true joy of being a gay uncle

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