Anti-gay pastor who celebrated Orlando massacre arrested for molesting underage boys

A pastor who claimed the Orlando massacre was homosexuals getting “what they deserve” has been arrested for alleged child molestation.
Pastor Kenneth Adkins of Jacksonville, Florida, is a notorious and outspoken opponent of LGBT rights.
Adkins celebrated the killing of 49 people in the Pulse gay bar shooting earlier this year, tweeting: “I don’t see none of them as victims. I see them as getting what they deserve!”
The pastor has this week been arrested on child molestation charges.
According to the Florida Times-Union, the 56-year-old surrendered himself on a charge of aggravated child molestation.
It comes after a Brunswick Police Department probe launched, focused on suspected molestation taking place in Adkins’ church.
The investigation is still ongoing. Adkins denies all wrongdoing.
His wife Charlotte Stormy Adkins told the newspaper she is “confident he will be cleared of all charges” but was concerned for “the young man who came forward with the allegations”.
Adkins previously made headlines when he dressed as a woman to protest LGBT rights law.
He insisted at the time: “I am gonna ‘pee’ next to your women in the women’s bathroom and let’s see how yall feel.”
Adkins previously claimed that homosexuals had tricked black people into supporting anti-discrimination protections, writing: “Duval Black Democrats have very quiet about this issue because the Homosexuals have fooled them into thinking that Black Lives Matter.
“Trust me, they ain’t Marching for Black folks. I Got a Message for the Homosexuals: You Can Still Go To Hell!”