Struggling anti-gay marriage group has appealed for financial help 60 times this year

The struggling National Organisation for Marriage is holding a fundraiser amid fears of a major financial shortfall.
This might seem like a familiar story – it’s because that’s pretty much all they do these days.
The National Organisation for Marriage failed to stop same-sex marriage becoming law in all 50 states.
Though the pro-equality Freedom to Marry group confirmed its closure last year following the Supreme Court ruling, NOM is attempting to soldier on – claiming that people will realise the “lie” of same-sex marriage “as they witness the reality of children suffering”.
But the group definitely appears to be feeling the crunch.
NOM just sent its 60th mass-mailout of the year urging people to donate due to the scale of the issues – equivalent to one financial appeal every four days.
This includes extended Christmas, Easter, New Year and Summer appeals, as well as pleas for help to fund the group’s failed March for Marriage rally.
The group even solicited donations after the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, urging supporters to “please make a generous financial contribution so that we may be effective during this critical time”.
NOM President Brian Brown has repeatedly warned that the group is running “dangerously short” on funds, will have to scale back its work, and is grappling with a “serious shortfall in our budget”.
In today’s mailout, he warned NOM needed funds to help stop “so-called gender identity and bathroom bills… the next step in the same-sex ‘marriage’ agenda”
He wrote: “One day. Just one day to go to meet our membership goals. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and see that we have failed. There’s too much at stake.
“NOM has always been at the vanguard of fighting for the truth that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. We don’t care about the odds, we know that it’s our God-given duty to stand and fight for this truth in and out of season. And even when some folks have given up, we’ve just charged forward more determined.”
Last year, NOM was compelled to reveal secret donor information by a court – with its documents showing Catholic groups had secretly been funding its anti-gay marriage campaigns.