City of Charlotte refuses to axe LGBT rights protections for North Carolina ‘compromise’

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The city of Charlotte, North Carolina has snubbed a “compromise” plan that would see the state repeal its anti-LGBT law as long as the city stripped anti-discriminationĀ protections.

North Carolina has lost a string of big investment ventures over Governor Pat McCrory’s decision to sign the contentious HB 2 –Ā which voided all local ordinances protecting LGBT rights, banned transgender people from using their preferred bathroom, and permits businesses to discriminate against LGBT people on the grounds of religious belief.

McCrory hasĀ continued to insistĀ the rules are “common sense”, but aĀ string of major employers are boycotting the state over the attack on the rights of their LGBT employees.

But facing a possible election defeat to a pro-LGBT Democrat in November, McCrory has struggled to try and reach a “compromise” on the issue, after revelations about the insane amount of taxpayers’ money he has wasted on the project.

The Governor hasĀ agreed to call it quits on the whole fiasco and repeal HB 2 as part of a compromise deal, as long asĀ Charlotte City Council repeals a LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance.

However, the city has flatly rejected any such ‘deal’, signalling that LGBT rights are not up for negotiation or ‘compromise’.

Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts said Monday: “Some people donā€™t realize thereā€™s no legal reason for Charlotte to do anything, and thatā€™s the point we want to make clear to the community.”

At a council meeting on Monday, she refused to put the issue on the agenda.

The state’s Republican leadership has now tried to turn the tables on the city council.

He whinged: ā€œDespite offering a very reasonable solution and compromise for North Carolina, itā€™s obvious that D.C. special interest political pressures on elected Charlotte city officials ā€“ and even our own attorney general ā€“ again derailed common sense.”

But a spokesperson for his Democratic opponent Roy Cooper slammed the “laughable” suggestion that a city council was now to blame for the crisis that McCrory created because they refused to barter away LGBT rights protections.

The spokesperson told the Charlotte Observer: “Unfortunately, Gov. McCrory just doesnā€™t seem to want to fix this.

“The governor needs to stop playing politics with our economy and call a special session to end this now by repealing HB2.ā€