Actress compares Conservative party to ‘Nazis’ during Labour conference

The TV star claims the government is waging war on the disabled community.
Actress Liz Carr has lashed out at the Conservative party during a powerful speech about disability benefits.
However, she stunned her audience at a Labour party fringe conference yesterday after comparing Theresa May’s party to the Nazis.
Speaking at the Mirror’s Real Britain Reconnecting Britain event in Liverpool, she hit out at welfare cuts and described how the move will threaten her own disability benefits.
Carr compared the government’s plans to decrease disability benefits and getting disabled people into work with the Nazi slogan displayed at Auschwitz concentration camp.
“Arbeit macht frei,” Carr declared.
“We are told – and I’ve heard this before – that ‘work sets you free’. Where have we heard that before? Sorry, but it needs to be said.”
The actress and comedian – who plays Clarissa Mullery in BBC drama Silent Witness – argued that it was her “moral responsibility” to raise awareness about this issue.
“I can’t be a silent witness,” she joked.
“For many people, being disabled in austerity Britain means being hated, stigmatised, demonised as burdens, drains on the state.
“It means being labelled as fraudsters and work shy. It’s about being segregated and excluded and oppressed and discriminated against,” she added.
Carr said the disabled community has been “forgotten and derided and abused and sanctioned and attacked and killed”.
She added they continued to be “cut and rationed and reduced and starved and homeless and hungry and fearful and terrified and alone and isolated and abandoned.”
“It’s about being inhuman, being seen us useless and the undeserving poor,” the lesbian star continued.
“That’s the reality for disabled people in today’s society.
“We are the collateral damage in this ideological war this government is waging.”
Shortly before Carr’s powerful words, Jeremy Corbyn was once again elected as leader of the Labour party following a landslide win.