14 really colourful ways to come out of the closet!

To celebrate National Coming Out Day, PinkNews takes a glance at some awesome ways to come out as LGBT…
1 Write a letter…

2 Bake a cake

3 Bake multiple cakes

4 OR Write a letter AND bake a cake!!

5 Get arty and make a coming out card

6 Get poignant and leave a note

7 Or maybe use place cards – who doesn’t love place cards (Love Actually anybody?!?)?

8 Print it on a T-shirt

9 On Facebook…

10 Or as a life event!

11 Do it on the cover of a magazine (go Ellen!)

12 When accepting an award…
13 Or during your graduation speech – brave!
14 Or in a ridiculously adorable music video
But, whether you’ve come out or whether you are yet to do so, remember…

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