Step aside Donald Trump, a gay lion keeper is running for President

In the latest natural escalation of this election cycle, a gay exotic zookeeper is making a bid for President of the United States.
Amid widespread disillusionment with mainstream party candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, a number of write-in third party candidates are making bids.
Among them is Joe Exotic, a man who claims to run the world’s largest private zoo for tigers.
In an online clip, he explained: “The first thing is, I am not cutting my hair. I am not changing the way I dress, I refuse to wear a suit.
“I am gay, I’ve had two boyfriends most of my life… I’ve had some kinky sex, I’ve tried drugs.
“I’m broke as s**t, I have a judgement against me from some b**tch down there in Florida, I paid the fine with the USJ… that does not mean I was convicted of any kind of animal cruelty thing. I have one of the biggest facilitates for exotic animals in this country as far as private individuals go.
“I am Joe Exotic, and don’t forget, I am now stepping my foot in the ring to run for President.
“This is all paid for by the committee of Joe Exotic Speaks for America.”
Mr Exotic, real name Joseph Maldonado, is infamous in zookeeping communities as the self-proclaimed ‘Tiger King’, breeding lions and tigers – and he even has his own brand of condoms.
The zookeeper, who owns the Garold Wayne Interactive Zoo in Oklahoma, is keeping a video diary during his ‘bid’, which with a month to go before the election doesn’t seem to actually include any campaigning.
Despite his protestations, Mr Exotic has previously been accused of animal cruelty.