11 teens share the moment they knew they were gay

Reddit. The online community and self-proclaimed ‘front page of the internet’ filled with subreddits that range from funny, to informative to downright odd.
But Reddit has often been a blessing in disguise for many people. With features that let you chat to other users anonymously through message boards or ‘threads’, many users, especially in the LGBT community have found a safe place where they can discuss any issues or milestones.
One such community, r/LGBTteens is a space for LGBT teens to discuss whatever is on their minds. Recently, user ‘ThyLurker’ issued a callout for other users to reveal how they ‘realised’ they were gay. What followed were some beautiful and humorous responses.
“One time there was a shortage of girls in this social dancing thing I had to do in my primary (elementary) school, and I got paired up with another guy (we both acted like ugh ew) and we had to hold hands and holy shit I felt like a spark or something and I never recaptured that holding a girls hand.Took me a couple of years to actually come to terms and accept it but that was really the first indication.” – Stardust31
“I had never thought men loving each other was bad. I didn’t think of it as taboo, or odd, or that I couldn’t see myself in that position one day. I thought of it as if it were like men and women, and I still do. I only started classifying myself as bisexual when I found out that I had to. That because other people weren’t like how I was, I needed to tick the box that just seems silly to have in the first place.” – OuO_hello
“I was bored and just watching random YouTube videos. I think I got onto one where a YouTuber came out to his fans as gay and I related to a lot of what he was saying. Like never really feeling attraction to girls, having no answer when friends asked who you have a crush on and realising guys were cute without realising what that means. Cue months of confusion where I went from straight to bi to gay and everything in between and now I’m alright with the fact that I’m gay.” -Puntle
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“I confirmed it roughly around the same time I realised I wanted to sleep with my best friend.” – ForsakenMoon13
“Ryan Gosling in ‘Crazy, Stupid, Love’.” – RegularLegsBabyLegs
“I had never had any attraction to the girls in my high school, and one day, when I was 14, I was wondering if I was gay. Google images quickly answered that question.”- reddragon321456.
“I think I learned what “gay” is from some soap opera. I always enjoyed it male body, and female.. not so much.” – FabulousMike
“I was in Girl Scouts. We went on a field trip/sleepover to this castle, and I stayed in the top bunk with another Scout because we both wanted top bunk. I had a huge crush on him (we were both little trans boys who didn’t know we were boys) but I didn’t realise it, all I realised was I wanted to cuddle him, so I wrapped my arms around him and we kinda just laid there and I fell asleep with him, and that was the first moment I thought “oh shit”.
“Realised I was transgender because I read this book about another trans guy, called I Am J. I realised a lot of the same shit he was feeling, I was feeling too. But I tried to suppress it and stuff because I didn’t want my parents kicking me to the curb.” – softpeachie
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“I’m bi and I vaguely remember laying on the couch about 2 years ago and thinking “I could date a guy” and everything kind of just spiralled out from there.” – Tanrad
“I had a feeling and then I watched the summer Olympics. All those divers confirmed my suspicions.” – Ouranos
“I watched the “Sexy and I Know It” music video. ‘Nuf [sic] said.” -Rocky56789
Note: these answers have been edited for clarity.
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