Fox News correspondent slammed for describing Hillary Clinton as ‘not necessarily attractive’

A Fox News Channel correspondent has come under fire for describing Hillary Clinton as “not necessarily attractive”.
Millions across the globe tuned in as Clinton and Donald Trump went head to head for the first US presidential debate on Monday.
Speaking from the event, Fox’s Brit Hume described Trump’s demeanour throughout the evening as “annoyed, put-out and uncomfortable” while noting the Democratic nominee looked “composed, smug sometimes and not necessarily attractive”.
@brithume describing candidates on #debatenight Trump:annoyed & uncomfortable, Clinton:not necessarily attractive. What?? #Debates2016
— Cynd S ϟF (@littlecynd) September 27, 2016
Clinton supporters, who often claim their favourite has been a target of sexism within the presidential race, rounded on Hume.
.@brithume just said on national TV that Hillary’s face was “not attractive.” Tell me again that sexism isn’t a factor in this election.
— Meghan Winch (@WinchMD) September 27, 2016
@brithume what kind of sexist remark is “not necessarily attractive?” You are disgusting and one of the reasons Fox News sucks.
— jhaisley (@jhaisley) September 27, 2016
fox news just called hilary clinton “not necessarily attractive” when she was debating… since when was this a beauty pageant? #debatenight
— chelsea (@minkang_twt) September 27, 2016
“Trump’s a liar, completely inexperienced and has no idea what he’s talking about!”
“But is Clinton attractive enough?”#debatenight
— Fulci Girl (@Fulcigirl) September 27, 2016
When the post debate moderator says Clinton looked “composed…but not necessarily attractive”
— Kezia Ann (@KeziaAnn7912) September 27, 2016
Others attacked the Fox veteran for overlooking Clinton’s presidential policies and plans while commenting on her (unimportant) appearance, and called for Hume and Fox News Channel to issue an apology.
@brithume I am so glad you called Clinton out on not looking attractive. It is, of course, the #1 thing I look for when choosing a President
— Robin Corak (@robincorak) September 27, 2016
Hey @FoxNews, you gonna post an apology for claiming that Hillary Clinton didn’t “necessarily look attractive”?
— Celine Robinson (@svuceline) September 27, 2016
I literally just heard a pundit on @fox say Clinton didn’t look attractive tonight. Forget her policy and plans… Those aren’t important ?
— Natalie M Cofield (@ncofield) September 27, 2016
@FoxNews you gonna let Britt Hume get away with call Clinton “not attractive?” Disgusting
— Tom Finnegan (@tfinn141) September 27, 2016
In Hume’s defence, he may not have meant to comment on Clinton’s physical beauty but her personality – simply sharing his opinion on what he described as her “smug” composure, which could be deemed unpersonable.
Oh, in case you’re wondering: there’s still no word on whether Trump looked attractive or not.