FA responds to rumours three footballers are ready to come out as gay

The Football Association has responded to comments by an MP that three footballers are ready to come out as gay.
SNP MP John Nicholson shared the revelation while speaking to the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
He said: “I understand there are three payers in talks with the FA about coming out, and they haven’t done so yet.”
However FA bosses have denied the story to be true – saying they are not aware of any players considering coming out, and have not been in talks with players.
An FA spokesperson said: “We have been and are working hard so that if a player felt they wanted to have the conversation about coming out, we would be there and offer any and all the support we could.
“Ultimately it has to be an individual’s personal choice.”
The MP later clarified his comments to say he was citing a media report he’d read prior to the select committee.
Mr Clarke caused outrage when he said: “I would be amazed if we haven’t got gay players in the Premiere League, and I am personally ashamed that they don’t feel safe to come out.”
Sports Minister Tracey Crouch criticised the FA boss’s comments, yesterday saying that she believes people who use homophobic chants at football matches should be arrested.