Yet another member of Trump’s cabinet has a horrific record on LGBT issues

Another member of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet has a history of anti-LGBT policies.
Mick Mulvaney has been nominated by Trump as his budget director.
The South Carolina Republican Congressman is known for being a co-sponsor of the First Amendment Defense Act which sought to limit the rights of LGBT+ people and embolden those seeking to discriminate based on “religious freedom”.
Mulvaney earlier this year described Democratic efforts to protect LGBT+ people against discrimination as “a political move designed to shipwreck the appropriations process.”
The Congressman has scored zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard for both of his terms in the House.
He was also accused of a fake robocall attacking Democratic opponent Mandy Powers Norrell, which posed as the ‘Alliance for the Advancement of Gays and Lesbians’.
It says: “A proven Democrat, Mandy Powers Norrell supports homosexual unions and abortion rights. We can count on Mandy Powers Norrell to promote a progressive agenda in the state Senate and to fight the right wing fringe at every turn.”
“He’s a tremendous talent, especially when it comes to numbers and budgets,” said Trump of the Congressman in a statement.
Earlier in Trump’s appointments, it became clear that every single cabinet member appointed by Donald Trump appointed so far opposed LGBT rights.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is known as one of the most conservative and anti-LGBT members of Congress, holding a 0 percent rating on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard on LGBT rights.
Betsy DeVos is a prominent donor to the anti-gay marriage lobby. She previously donated $200,000 in a successful bid to add an anti-gay marriage amendment to the Michigan ballot.
Another opponent of LGBT rights in Congress, Tom Price is a co-sponsor of the First Amendment Defence Act, which would legalise discrimination against LGBT people on the grounds of religion.
Vice President-elect Mike Pence stirred up international outrage last year when he signed Indiana’s controversial ‘Religious Freedom Restoration Act’, giving businesses the right to discriminate against gay people on the grounds of religion.
Pence claimed the law was intended to “protect” organisations from having to provide services for same-sex weddings,.
Earlier this year appeared unable to answer when asked whether it should be legal to fire people because of their sexuality.
Pence recently confirmed plans to roll back Barack Obama’s executive protections on LGBT rights, so that “the transgender bathroom issue can be resolved with common sense at the local level”.