Pastor tells Trump to ‘ferret out’ pro-LGBT State Department staff members

The hideously anti-LGBT pastor and campaigner Tony Perkins has called on Trump to “ferret out” State Department workers who support LGBT+ rights.
Perkins of the adamantly anti-LGBT Family Research Council, released a statement calling on the President-elect to get rid of the staffers.
The statement accused President Obama of filling positions at the State Department “with LGBTQ and abortion activists”.
It said the current makeup of staff “promote the Left’s view of human sexuality and abortion ‘rights’ to the detriment of fundamental human rights like religious freedom.”
“The incoming administration needs to make clear that these liberal policies will be reversed and the ‘activists’ within the State Department promoting them will be ferreted out and will be replaced by conservatives who will ensure the State Department focuses on true international human rights like religious liberty which is under unprecedented assault,” the statement reads.
Earlier this year Trump reportedly ‘donated’ $100,000 to Perkins who helped write speeches for his Presidential campaign.
Trump has faced repeated questions about his links to Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, which is listed as an active anti-LGBT hate group by extremism watchdog the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Perkins has faced criticism in the past for blaming gay people for the Holocaust, insisting that LGBT activists will soon attempt a ‘Christian Holocaust’ too.
He was slammed by Jewish groups after claiming that Christians are being sent to “camps”, and that soon gays are “going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians”
After Perkins’ Greenwell Springs Baptist Church was impacted by the recent Louisiana flooding, CNN reports they Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump made a personal $100,000 donation to the Church.
Perkins previously compared gays to paedophiles, saying: “While activists like to claim that paedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. It is a homosexual problem.”
He also branded the ‘It Gets Better’ anti-bullying campaign “disgusting”, saying: “It’s part of a concerted effort to recruit [kids] into that lifestyle.”