Tyler Oakley nailed exactly why we should be anxious of the Trump presidency

Youtube star and LGBT activist Tyler Oakley has hit the nail on the head about why we should be anxious for the Trump presidency.
Talking to Paper, Oakley explained the reality of being a visible member of the LGBT community and what is in store for the future of LGBT rights under Trump’s power.
Oakley said: “I’m absolutely concerned, and every single person in this country should be. If you know an LGBTQ+ person, if you know a person of colour, if you know a woman, if you know anyone who isn’t a straight, white, cisgender, Christian male, you should be concerned. Trump’s actions speak louder than words, and his appointments send a clear message to minorities: We are not here to protect you.”
The activist has placed hope on younger voters for the future.
“The one bright spot that I see is the maps of voting results in America for the youngest voters. They’re our future, and they voted overwhelmingly for inclusion, love, hope, and equality. That’s our future.”
LGBT activists are gearing up for tough battles in years ahead, as the Republicans retain control of Congress and Donald Trump becomes President-elect.
When Trump takes office in January, the GOP will be in full control of both the executive and the legislature for the first time since 2005.
The news means little chance for the Democrats to scupper Republican attacks on LGBT rights, with Obama previously using executive powers to defend equality from advances in Congress – something Trump has pledged not to do.
From singing the First Amendment Defence Act, to appointing anti-LGBT Supreme Court Justice’s, Trump and his cabinet are on a war path against minorities.
You can read all about what Trump means for LGBT rights here.