Post-Presidential election youth survey paints a shocking picture of bullying

The Human Rights Campaign has issued the results of a survey of young people which it says shows a “troubling” effect since the Presidential election.
The survey of more than 50,000 people aged 13-18, asked whether the young people had witnessed bullying or harassment since the election in November.
It included young people representing a range of genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities and religions.
And 70 percent of respondents said they had witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election.
From those who had witnessed such acts, 79 percent said they thought it had taken place more often since the start of the campaign.
70 percent of those who said they had witnessed such behaviour said it was based on bias.
63 percent said they thought it was witnessed by sexual orientation and 55 percent because of gender.
“We’re grateful that so many young people trusted us with their stories, and heartbroken by how profoundly the political climate is affecting them — especially youth of colour, LGBTQ youth, and youth-targeted because of their faith,” HRC Foundation Senior Research Manager Gabe Murchison says of the survey.
“We are calling on politicians to explicitly denounce bias and reject support from hate groups, and all adults to take responsibility for the safety and well-being of our young people,” Murchison adds.
“Young people who participated in our survey told us they need three things in the wake of this election: their identities and fears taken seriously, adults to stand up against bias and harassment, and a chance to get involved politically to ensure that our country’s leaders are committed to the safety and equality of all.”
A report from the HRC setting out the results of the survey also included anonymous responses from young people across America.
One 18-year-old student from Illinois described one experience: “People on my school’s bus were talking badly about the LGBT community and Black people, as well as a specific male-identifying friend of mine who wore heels, calling him a ‘tranny’ and ‘f-ggot’ and ‘n-word.’
“They also related it to the election, stating that Trump is going to help so that ‘the f-ggots in the locker rooms can’t be there to be pedophiles and stare at us.’”