Activist called ‘gay c**t’ while another struck across the head at fox hunt

A huntsman has been accused of spitting at and calling an activist a “gay c**t” after striking another across the head with a riding crop.
The accusations have come as footage emerged from the Atherstone Hunt on Saturday.
Activist group the West Midlands Saboteurs claim the attack was “completely unprovoked” and occurred as one of them was walking away from the hunters.
In the clip, obtained by the Metro, one of the riders is seen grabbing an activist.
As she protests, he is heard saying, “It’s dangerous here. Come one, be fair.”
There is then a thump followed by a scream where one of the female activists accuses the rider of hitting her over the head with a riding crop.
He is heard saying: “What? I’ve done nothing, look it’s fu**ing dangerous here, you idiot.”
Photographs show deep cuts to the woman’s head, allegedly from being struck by the cane.
In another part of the footage, a man asks one of the huntsmen getting into a van if he was proud of what he had done.
Leaning out of the cab, the man spits at the activist before saying: “Get that camera off me. Come on, you Fu**ing idiot, get it off. You fucking gay c**t.”
Leicestershire Police confirmed that a man had been arrested for ABH and bailed.
A spokeswoman said: “A man has been arrested on suspicion of ABH following a report of an assault which is alleged to have happened in Derby Road, Shackerstone, on Saturday February 11.”
Watch the footage below:
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