Nearly 800 parents of trans students sign letter opposing Trump

More than 780 parents of trans children have signed a letter opposing Donald Trump’s administration.
The letter, organised and sent to the President by the Human Rights Campaign on Tuesday, said: “All students deserve equal access to a safe, welcoming school and a high-quality education no matter who they are”.
The call by parents came after the Education and Justice Departments dropped their defence of guidelines issued by President Obama that stated trans students could use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity.
13 states filed lawsuits against the previous administration and a court injunction stopped the guidelines last year.
“Revoking students’ rights to use the bathroom of their gender choice is wrong,” it added.
“These policies are wrong, they hurt our children, and they violate the principle of equal education.”
Parents of the trans children have said that revoking the right amounts to discrimination. However, opponents believe it endangers the privacy and safety of other students.
Trump had previously claimed to be a LGBT advocate and said transgender people could use whatever bathroom they like, however since taking office it’s been claimed his actions contradict this.
On Monday, a letter was also sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos urging them to continue with the legal challenge to the injunction.
In March, trans student Gavin Grimm will appear in front of the Supreme Court.
He is suing his school board for not allowing him to use the bathroom that corresponds with his gender identity.
Read the full letter here.