Daily Express horrified that Prince George, aged 3, might be taught ballet

The Daily Express does not sound happy that three-year-old Prince George might be taught ballet at his new preschool.
The young British royal, who is third-in-line to the throne, is set to start preschool in September at a private London school, Thomas’s Battersea.
However, the choice of school hasn’t gone down well with the Daily Express, who splashed with news that the school dares to teach ballet to boys.
The newspaper claims: “PRINCE George could be expected to learn ballet at his new school where the first rule is to be ‘kind’ – although children are discouraged from having best friends because it could leave others feeling ostracised and hurt.
According to the report, boys wear “tights and black shoes for ballet”, while girls wear “pink shoes and tutus”.
The school’s website states its core values as”kindness, courtesy, confidence, humility and learning to be givers, not takers”.
What would Diana think?
The school brushed off any criticism of its policies and inclusive approach.
Ben Thomas, headmaster at Thomas’s Battersea, said: “We are honoured and delighted that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen Thomas’s Battersea for Prince George.
“We greatly look forward to welcoming him and all of our new pupils to the school in September.”
He added: “The Duke and Duchess have made it clear that they do not wish Prince George’s attendance at Thomas’s to change its aims, values or ethos in any way.
“They would like, as far as is possible, for him to enjoy the same education that all of our pupils receive and for them to join the school community as all of our new parents do.”
Prince George is already quite the socialiser. On a trip to New Zealand aged eight month old, he went on a playdate with Isabella Mullen, the daughter of gay parents Jared and Ryan Mullen.
George’s uncle Prince Harry recently paid a poignant visit to HIV charity which Princess Diana visited 26 years ago.
Princess Diana went to the Leicester Aids Support Service (LASS) in November 1991 to raise awareness at a time when the disease was severely stigmatised.
On his visit to the same institution last month, her son Prince Harry was shown a signed photo of his mother, as well as a memorial she launched in honour of those who have died from AIDS.
Prince Harry was tested for HIV live on Facebook last year, resulting in a five-fold surge in demand for self-testing kits.